Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Here's the next movie I'm going to write about (: 

500 Days of Summer.

The trailer looks good and I'm kind of excited to watch it cause I've heard a lot of good things about this movie. Plus, Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Need I say more? 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

TEDX Youth Day!


TEDx Youth day was inspirational. Initially, I was dreading spending 8 hours listening to series of boring talks. It was mandatory attendance for everyone in my course so I just grit my teeth and went along with it.

Okay, so the thing I used to hate about talks like these is that the speakers were labelled successful because they were making a lot of money. Then they tell you that hard work and pushing yourself is the key to success. When it came to the Q&A session, I was always so tempted to ask them whether they were really happy. 

But TEDx was different. The talks by all the speakers made me realise different things. They taught me to free my mind, not to be afraid to be different and to never stop dreaming. These were things I had always been telling myself since I was a little girl. Slowly, you lose track of these things. Not because you don't believe in them anymore but because the monotony of daily life really starts to make you realise how ordinary you are.

As a child, most of us taught that money is the thing you are supposed to work forward to. It doesn't have to be something you like, it just has to make you a lot of money. This is especially evident in an asian society. Parents encourage their children to excel in school rather than asking them to put in effort for things that we really love.

I remember as a child my parents used to bring me to ballet and piano lessons. I was interested at first only because it was something new. Soon the novelty wore off and I discovered that I never liked ballet or piano. In a ballet class full of skinny tiny petite girls, I was the only tall chubby girl there. I felt like a fat lumbering elephant. And we all know elephants can't dance right? I didn't like it at all. Piano on the other hand was a chore.

I did however have a passion for writing. I'm sure my parents were aware of this but they never suggested writing classes for me. They were willing to fork out $90 a month for guitar lessons though. I really do appreciate the things they do for me and love them to bits but I just don't agree with the way they do things.

Something I took away from the talk:
"Your best career is an expression of yourself." 

I love this quote. I mean, your job is something that you have to commit to. What's the point of working a job that you hate? Okay, maybe the pay's good but money can only buy you temporary happiness. Why not do something you can actually enjoy? You can go to work happy everyday and guess what, you can even make money from it! Tell me which sounds better?


First of all, let me start by saying that it's a french romance film.
What could possibly be more romantic than that?

Just 8 minutes into the movie and I had decided that I loved it.

It's set in the Montmatre region of Paris and it's about this girl named Amelie. She's an odd little girl with weird quirks. She grows up being homeschooled because her father misdiagnosed her with a heart condition and deemed her unfit to attend school. Isolated and without friends, she relies on her imagination to keep her occupied.

Years later, she's a waitress. She's still as introverted as before and has kept her quirks with her up till her adulthood. Now at 23 years old, she lives alone and has little interaction with people. One day, she discovers a hidden pencil box in her apartment and it's filled with childhood trinkets. She decides to find the owner and return it to him. If he reacts happily, she will start doing more kind deeds.

The owner is more than happy when he receives the pencil box anonymously. And so she goes on to help others. It is through this that she slowly starts to make friends. One day, she comes across a man searching for old photos underneath a photobooth. He leaves behind an album of old photos and she picks it up and brings it home. Without realising it, she slowly begins to fall for this man. But instead of telling him, she plays games to win his affections.

With the help of her friend, she eventually realises that she needs to change and the two fall in love and end up together.

What I love about this movie:

This movie is essentially a fairytale, which is why I love it so much. Boy meets girl, they fall in love and then *boom* happy ending. Cliche storyline but the director does it in a whimsical and awesome way. Even the way it's shot. It's a very colourful movie, like being inside a kaleidoscope. I believe it's supposed to represent Amelie's mind and her childlike ways.

I also love how the characters are introduced. The narrator will start off with their name first and then rattle off about some odd traits of theirs. It's an interesting way of getting to know the characters because you can tell what kind of people they're like from the things they do. And also because it reminds you that everyone is different in their own unique way.

Personally, I could relate to this movie because I feel like I'm shy and quiet and on a lot of days I just don't feel like interacting with the world. Sometimes I just want to shut myself away from the world. Amelie is an introvert and I can understand her very well on that front. But in order to get what she wants, she had to change. Something to learn I guess.

Favourite Quotes:

"If Amelie chooses to live in a dream…and remain an introverted young woman…she has an absolute right to mess up her own life!"

"At barely 23, Amélie Poulain let her young, tired body merge with the ebb and flow of universal woe."

"A woman without love wilts like a flower without sun."

Favourite scene:

I love the ending.
Amelie and her love finally end up together.
And everyone's lives sort of just fall into place.


What I learnt about love:

Sometimes you have to be brave to get what you want.
Don't ever let go of your idiosyncrasies, they might be the reason someone falls for you.

Images from Leave me the White

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hello Lovelies!

Ola chicas!

So I wanted to give a short introduction about what this blog is about. Basically, what I'm going to be doing every week is just posting a movie review about a romance film. Now, I'm into older films so I might be reviewing movies from as old as the 50s. Maybe that's not your thing but I hope you'll keep an open mind and keep on reading. Who knows, you might find something that you really like. 

Lots of love, 
Jasmine ♥