Wednesday, December 5, 2012

500 Days of Summer

I was pretty excited over this movie since I'd heard a lot of good things about it. But just halfway through, I found it pretty meh. I mean, love Zooey and JGL and they were good in the movie but the plot just wasn't enough to keep me interested. 

Honestly, I can't even understand what all the hype was about. I think what people liked most about it is the way it's shot. Like how the director shows the parallels from the good times to when the relationship starts to fall apart through the 500 days. Plus, that expectations

Or maybe that's the thing. 
Because this isn't a romance film. 
It's a film about how people can be so taken by their own illusions. 

Tom, a greeting card writer, longs to find his soulmate and when Summer, his boss's new assistant, joins the office he is pretty much smitten instantly. They find out that they have a few things in common and finds out that she does not believe in love. Despite that, he attempts to win Summer over. Slowly, they start to fool around. Summer warns him that she isn't ready for a relationship and he says that he's completely fine with that, even when he really isn't. 

It's a tug of war between two people who want to be together but in different ways. 

Summer drops numerous hints that she's not happy in the relationship but Tom cannot see this and goes on believing everything is alright. Finally, she breaks up with him and instead of moving on, he decides to win her back. That fails and he slips into depression after he finds out that she is engaged. Slowly, he starts to realise that his relationship was not as he thought it was. Summer was never really as invested in the relationship as him. 

The film ends with him taking a chance and going out with a date on a girl he just met. 
And it turns out the girl's name is Autumn.


What I think: 

I actually don't like this movie. Not because of the actually movie itself but because I know that there are guys like Tom out there. And this movie actually reminds me of someone I knew. 

Sigh. The movie is cute, I guess. It's offbeat and it's quirky. The characters are interesting, even the minor ones. 

Summer though, was an enigma and I never really got why Tom fell for her in the first place. 
It's like he just saw her for the first time and then placed all his love on her.

I never really got a sense of who she is. So the movie basically says that she's almost completely average but she's always caught the attention of guys for some reason. I guess she's pretty and she listens to a few bands he listens to. But that's basically it. Okay, maybe afterwards he realises that she is smart and fun to hang around with but that's not enough for a good relationship. 

If anyone realised, she is the season summer. She doesn't have all the complexities of a real woman because the director didn't want it, I guess? She's like Tom's idea of a perfection. She's happy and fun, brings sunshine into everyone's lives and everyone loves her. But summer has to end eventually. And if you think about it, her name is Summer Finn. 

Finn. Fin. The end. 

And then there's Tom. I hate Tom. And here's why. 

Reasons why I hate Tom : 

1) Why would you say that you're going to get her back when she doesn't want to be gotten back.

Hello, she told you she was unhappy with you already. I can't understand why you would want to be in a relationship with someone that's unhappy with the relationship. Isn't it just torture? And if you're saying, "I know we would be perfect together, just shut up now. If she's not happy but you're happy and you want her to suffer with you then that's just selfish. 

Unless you guys broke up for a stupid reason that can actually be worked out. 

2) Because he called her a bitch because she broke up with him. 

People either love or hate Summer. The people who hate her think that she's a bitch and that she screwed Tom over. But the thing is that she already made it clear to Tom that she didn't want a relationship. Of course, they were clearly not just friends. I believe that they were something else totally.

She broke up with him for a good reason. She wasn't happy. She didn't feel any love for him.

Do you really expect a girl to stay on after that?

3) He's just selfish. 

I hate him. Why is he playing the sensitive guy and expects the girl to look out for his feelings when he's not looking out for hers? His life sorta fell apart when she left because he put everything he had in her. All of his happiness depended on her. Sounds sweet? No bloody way. It didn't matter if she was happy.

He invested everything in her, even when she told him that she didn't want a relationship.
And she tells him that she cannot guarantee that her feelings will be constant.
So he calls her a bitch after they break up.

He just projected all of his feelings onto a girl that he never really knew.

Favourite Quotes:

"Just because she likes the same bizzaro crap as you doesn't mean she's your soulmate."

Favourite Scene:

The break up scene.
I love it. I mean, it pretty much just sums up the whole relationship in one scene.
They never really talked about the Sid and Nancy thing so each assumed they were Sid.
And Summer trying to downplay the whole breakup.

I think it's hilarious.

What I learnt about love:

Communication is important.
Always talk to your partner about where you are right now.
If not, it can get messy.

Images from Home of the Nutty.


  1. thought the movie was too draggy myself,good review!good insights and captures on the realilty of theses so called fairytale love your writing,cant wait to read on.

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment! Please keep reading, there's more to come (:

  2. I completely agree with what you've said, great review! I just hate it when people take risks and are not prepared to suffer the consequences. The choices you make inevitably affect your life and your happiness so I can't see why tom can't just suck it up and move on... You reap what you sow dude. There are plenty of other fish in the sea... Oh wait, theres only a few seasons in a year.

    1. HAHAHA, your comment made me smile (: Yeah! It's annoying right? People know the things they should do (suck up and move on) in order to be happy but they are so unwilling to do it. It's ridiculous.

  3. I dont like this movie at all! As a big fan of happy endings that make you feel good, this a no-no! ... Nah, it was really sweet and cute too. The ending just made everything realistic especially the main girl's character. She's all tough and like 'did you actually think i was the one?' and the guy is fall-too-fast-too-hard. Totally relatable! :)

    1. The movie's not really in my taste but It's nice to hear that you liked the movie! It's refreshing to hear another opinion. It's not the typical fairytale ending that everyone wants. I think even though Tom and Summer where not meant to be together, I was still rooting for them to somehow work out. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel look so cute together (: they should start dating in real life. #justsaying HAHAHAH
